Click here for pdf version of Yoga Source’s Class Schedule

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just swing summerSwing Yoga – This class is offered as a pre-registered workshop.  UPCOMING CLASSES – May 7th, June 4th, only $20 + HST.  Experience this unique way of practicing yoga!  Must pre-register to save your swing!  Click here for more information or call us, #905-830-9700.  This class can also be offered in a group setting for private classes, birthday parties, or a fun night out. Contact us to find out more!  A ridiculously fun workout! Practice yoga poses such as inversions and back bends with less strain. This class can be physically demanding. Be ready for deep stretches, unique core exercises, and of course, LIFT OFF!  

PPP390-150x150Begin Yoga

This practice will set the foundation to strengthen the core and give general knowledge of the various yoga positions combined with breath work and meditation fundamentals. Begin your challenge.

RoomtoBreathe5783-300x200Breathe, Meditate, move

Learn to healthfully breathe again, and reconnect with your body using gentle stretches that will enable you to meditate with much more clarity and ease.  All levels.

AliYin Meditation Yoga

A floor sequenced practice of holding postures for longer periods moving thru superficial muscle to release connective tissues, while nourishing and supporting the nervous system.  Gentle hands on adjustments and meditation are often part of class.  All levels.

DSC_0060Restorative Yoga

This practice is designed to restore using very simple movements while supported by yoga props to help realign the body and calm the mind. Let go, and use deep breaths.  All levels welcome.

Yogasource2010YTT-0244-300x199Therapeutic Yoga

The Therapeutic classes are for all levels that integrate the benefits of a “therapeutic” approach to Hatha yoga in order to address posture, alignment, length and strength. Your challenge if willing.

jen390-150x150Yoga Back Care

The intention in this class is to strengthen & align the spine from pelvis to shoulders, alleviating tension & discomfort.  Begin your challenge.

People-in-pigeon390Yoga for “Inflexibles”

Feeling inflexible but want to partake in a yoga program?  This class is for you!  With the use of props, modifications and clear instruction, the inflexible will find their flexibility in all postures.  Begin your challenge.


This practice will allow the student to continue learning the different styles of yoga as well as promote the deepening of your regular yoga practice. The instructor will show you how to adapt the poses to your individual anatomy and ability using yoga props.  Suitable for yogis with a strong practice.

IMG_9641Youth Yoga  

Mondays 4:45-5:45pm April 4th

Yoga for 9 to 15 year old youth new or not to yoga, this is a co-ed class. Now a pre-registered program, please see above for session dates and cost.  Click here for more information.

DSC_0042Kids Yoga – Next class session TBD

Is an amazing way for children to relax, honor their bodies and cultivate respect for themselves, each other and our world. The certified instructor offers a playful, light approach to yoga for children, blending traditional yoga practices with creative movement, partner work, games, story, music and art. Here we discover new ways to be joyful and peaceful together – you’ll notice that your child is calmer and happier after one class! (ages 5-8). Pre-Register. Click here for more information.

Y12SR is a 12 Step based discussion and yoga practice open to anyone and everyone dealing with their own addictive behaviour or affected by the addictive behaviour of others.  This is an open and inclusive group.  Y12SR is in no way a replacement for 12 step meetings, a sponsor, or any other part of a 12 step recovery program.  It is an adjunct providing what we believe is another helpful tool in addressing the physical, mental and spiritual dis-ease of addiction.  The practices of yoga postures and meditation will all be a part of class.  

Teacher/500RYT Theresa Gagnon, certified, Y12SR: Yoga 12 Step Recovery Leadership Certification.

This class is held on Sundays 8:30 – 9:30am, fee is by donation.

Teri2Trauma / Pain Sensitive Yoga – A healing and recovery practice with focus on body awareness, and breath work.  This is a gentle practice full of choice making.  Renew your trust in the Very gentle Yoga practice. For everyone who is willing.  We welcome you to join us, Mondays 1:45-2:45pm!  Teacher/500RYT Teri Macias.

 Ruth CMHA YOGA – This yoga class is part of the Canadian Mental Health Associations day program, held in the Yoga Source studio.  Participants are require to register with CMHA prior to attending.  Please contact CMHA directly to arrange, PH#905-841-3977.