The issues live in our tissues

Y12SR is a 12 Step based discussion and yoga practice open to anyone and everyone dealing with their own addictive behaviour or affected by the addictive behaviour of others.  This is an open and inclusive group.  Y12SR is in no way a replacement for 12 step meetings, a sponsor, or any other part of a 12 step recovery program.  It is an adjunct providing what we believe is another helpful tool in addressing the physical, mental and spiritual dis-ease of addiction.  The practices of yoga postures and meditation will all be a part of class.  

Teacher/500RYT Theresa Gagnon, certified, Y12SR: Yoga 12 Step Recovery Leadership Certification.

Sundays 8:30 – 9:30am

We are taking a break for the summer – Y12SR will return Sunday September 11th.

Wear comfortable clothing.  

Fee is by donation.
