Begin your yoga practice in the comfort of your own space. 

For more information click here to watch Theresa’s video message!

Starting anything new can be daunting, especially in a class where it feels as though everyone else knows the moves. If you’ve always wanted to try yoga but are hesitating because you don’t know the poses, feel you’re out of shape or if you just don’t like the thought of sharing a class with a bunch of strangers, private or small group classes are available at your home or office.

Theresa Gagnon, owner of Yoga Source & Therapy Studio will help you set the foundation for an on-going yoga practice with an introduction to the fundamentals of the poses and terminology. She will also show you how to adapt the poses for your individual body and goals by using props such as blankets, bolsters and blocks so that you can feel comfortable in your first studio class.

Contact Sarah at Yoga Source to arrange a personal introduction to yoga for you or your group.

T: (905) 830-9700
E: [email protected]

When you’ve gained confidence in a private setting and are ready to attend our studio, each participant will receive a FREE 2 week pass for unlimited classes at Yoga Source and you’ll be on your way.

To learn more about our studio and our instructors:


In-home (off-site) or office private:

2 or less participants $100.00/hour

In-home (off-site) or office small group:

3 to 6 participants $150/hour

Additional participant(s) – $10/person/hour

**NOTE: Above rates based on 10 kilometer distance from Yoga Source or less, any distance traveled in excess of 10 kilometers will incur an additional fee