
Auditing Yoga Source 2013 Teacher’s Training Program

GET BENT! Program Schedule

All current and aspiring yoga instructors, as well as serious students of the practice are invited
to attend portions of our Teacher’s Training Program. The sessions will afford you a great deal
of information from our hand-picked faculty. You will be receiving Continuing Education
for your attendance, which is an essential component of ensuring professional
advancement for teachers.

To register, please call the studio and sign-up. 905.830.9700


Sunday, February 24th, 1:15-3:15pm: Refine the Breath
• Principles of the Ujjayi breath
• Pranayama techniques
• Breath and meditation
• Breath and asana

Sunday, March 24th, 1:15-3:15pm: Further Exploration
Pranayama and…
• Mudras – aesthetic gestures that direct the flow of energy
• the Bandhas – internal energy “locks” – the engagement of which
intensifies prana as it moves through the subtle body
• the Koshas – the subtle bodies

Investment: 40+hst per session
Teacher: Teri Macias


Friday, Feb 22nd 7-9pm
• Basic spoken Sanskrit
• Accurate and authentic pronunciation of some energizing Mantras and chants
• Meaning and authentic pronunciation of popular Yoga poses
• Intro to Sanskrit alphabet, their experiential basis in the body of the practitioner

Investment: 40+hst
Teacher: Acharya Ram Vakkalanka

YOGA PHILOSOPHY – The Gita 2.0 (14 hours)

For the 2013 session of Teachers’ Training, we introduce students to the vast
world of yogic philosophy. The sessions are designed as a general transition
through yogic philosophies, exploring topics from ancient texts through to
modern scholarship. We will share a complete reading of George Thompson’s
translation of the Bhagavad Gita and explore a number of corresponding ideas.
The material is designed to be accessible, understandable, and ultimately useful
to students at all levels of practice.

1. Sunday, February 24th 5-7pm
- Bhagavad Gita chapters 2 and 3;
- dualism
- the gunas
- karma yoga

2. Friday, March 22nd 6:55-9pm
- Bhagavad Gita chapters 4, 5 and 6;
- god,
- mythic thinking vs. factual thinking,
- types of karma

3. Friday, April 19th 6:55-9pm
- Bhagavad Gita chapters 7, 8 and 9;
- the purusharthas (how to be happy)

4. Sunday, May 12th 5-7pm
- Bhagavad Gita chapters 10 and 11;
- the Rig Veda,
- cosmology and cosmogyny of the universe

5. Friday, June 14th 6:55-9pm
- Bhagavad Gita chapters 12, 13 and 14;
- the Ananda Tantava (cosmic dance of Shiva)

6. Friday, July 19th 6:55-9pm
- Bhagavad Gita chapters 15, 16 and 17;
- simplistic timeline of yogic philosophy

7. Sunday, August 11th 4-6pm
- Bhagavad Gita chapter 18;
- where asana and philosophy collide

Investment: 40+hst per session OR all seven for 240!
Teacher: Laurie Newton


During the meetings we will cover the following for each section of anatomy:

• Muscle anatomy review – more detail
• Biomechanics of the joints & movement
• Types of Issues that may be seen in Yoga classes
• Dissecting a few asanas with respect to the joints studied
• Correcting alignment to Prevent injury or modifications where needed.

1. Saturday, February 23rd, 1-5pm

Feet, Ankles, Knees

2. Saturday, March 23rd, 3:30-7:30pm

Hips and Pelvis

3. Saturday, April 20th, 1-5pm
Shoulder, Arm, Hand

4. Saturday, May 11th, 1-5pm
Spine, Neck and Head

5. Saturday, June 15th, 1-5pm
Bridging the Upper and Lower Body
• Review spine and pelvic biomechanics
• Fascia cross chains – some basics
• Piecing together asanas and the whole body

Investment: 80+hst per session
OR all five for 350 (save 50!)
Teacher: Robin Montgomery


Click here for the FEBRUARY Schedule.

Therapy Rooms Available

We have two gorgeous rooms available and waiting for amazing therapists. Interested? Come check out our space!

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We are always on the look out for great Yoga Teachers. Come see us! We are on the look out for RMT's and other great therapists. We have several therapy rooms available to rent.