Theresa Gagnon                                      

Owner of Yoga Source & Therapy Studio

Theresa’s Blog – direct from her yoga Mat!

Most peeps claim, saying that this world we perceive as real is actually an illusion, not unlike a film being projected onto a screen. Most of us are so involved in the projection that we don’t understand it for what it is. We are completely caught up in the illusion, imagining that we are in a life and death struggle and taking it very seriously.

Pay attention to the enlightened few, on the other hand, live their lives in the light of the awareness that what most of us perceive as reality is a passing fancy. As a result, they behave with detachment, compassion, and wisdom, while the rest of us struggle and writhe upon the stage in the play of our life. Having the wisdom to know that life is but a dream does not mean that we ignore it or don’t do our best with the twists and turns of our fate. Rather, like an actress who plays her role fully even as she knows it’s only a role, we engage in the unfolding drama, but with a little more freedom because we know that this is not the totality of who we are.

And life is more of an improvisation than it is like a play whose lines have already been written, whose end is already known. Like an improviser, we have choices to make and the more we embrace the illusionary quality of the performance, the lighter we can be on the planet, on others, and on ourselves. We can truly play with the shadows cast by the light of the projector, fully engaging without getting bogged down.

Om T

Join one of our classes, click here to link to Yoga Source’s weekly class schedule.



Click here to download applications, receive pricing information and course outlines.

Next Starting Dates for all three courses: January 2016!

If you would like to review sections of our Yoga Teacher Training Courses, please contact Theresa Gagnon or for more information, PH#, or [email protected]a

20-hour Yoga Teacher Training

The 20-hour program is an intense one weekend course designed to introduce and educate you in your own study and practice of our alignment-based, heart-centered Hatha yoga in an atmosphere that sparks insight, discovery and understanding.

100-hour Yoga Teacher Training

The 100-hour program is designed to immerse you in your own study and practice of our alignment-based, heart-centered Hatha yoga in an atmosphere that sparks insight, discovery and understanding.

300-hour Yoga Teacher Training

The 300-hour program focuses on taking the knowledge of practice from part one and learning how to share it in ways that uplift and inspire students. Designed as a truly empowering and transformational process, each student will be guided step by step in all areas of great yoga teaching.


 Sequencing Yoga For Modern Practice:

Hosted by Michael Siddall – Certified Anusara Teacher, Certified Iyengar Teacher, ERYT-500

Learn to experience your practice in a way that can keep you healthy.  Allow yourself to prgress safely, build you strength and stability and give yourself tools to deal with injury.  See your practice therapeutically!  Come and learn a specific set of principles that will allow your practice to flourish and for you to be in the moment and current of grace.

Date:  Saturday July 25th

Time: 1:30pm – 4:30pm

Investment: 45.00 + HST

Please pre-register at our front desk by Monday July 20th!


Embodied Healing Trauma Sensitive Yoga

Facilitator: Laurita Gorman – Registered Social Worker (Masters of Social Work), and mind-body therapist and has worked in the mental health field for over 10 years.  She has specialized training in trauma with a focus on using the body for healing.

Trauma affects the body’s physiology and traumatic memories are stored somatically.  Trauma informed yoga can be an enormous part of the healing process for trauma survivors to reclaim their body as their own.  Through embodied and trauma informed yoga, we learn to cultivate stillness and to stay present with what arises.  For a trauma survivor, learning to tolerate what arises (either feelings, thoughts or physical sensation) can be the first step in building a relationship with their body.

In this 6 week program, participants will learn:

  • to make peace with and reclaim their body
  • learn that their body can be reliable, safe, and effective
  • learn calming and centering techniques
  • learn strategies to face triggers in a safe, non-harmful way
  • learn to regulate emotional and physiological states

Dates: Mondays, Next session dates TBD

Times: 1:45pm – 4:25pm

Investment: 120.00 + HST

All are warmly welcome, no yoga experience necessary.  We strive to make the classes accessible to everybody regardless of physical ability.  A phone consultation is required with Laurita Gorman for all interested registrants in order to qualify each person for this 6 week program.  Please email Laurita at [email protected] to book a consult, or call Yoga Source for more information, PH#.


 Goddess Workshops to Return in September!

Hosted by Medium & Intuitive Kelly Benoit


Date: Sunday September 20th

Time: 2pm – 4pm

Investment: 30.00 + HST

Registration to open August 24th!

Pre-registration required in person.  Please come in to visit us at Yoga Source.



Youth Yoga Teacher Training – 3 week Educational Yoga Training Camp for Youth 12 to 19 years!

Start thinking about next summer!

Learn, laugh and grow with the yoga teacher professionals at Yoga Source in Newmarket.
This 3 week Summer Educational Yoga Training Camp for Youth ~ 12 to 19 years of age.
Become a yoga teacher for your community and teach yoga in your school.  Learn and have fun while being educated for a yoga teacher diploma.  This training program will help you to build confidence, learn advanced yoga techniques.  Experience yoga practices involving art, music and playful themes that create confidence, strength and passion and a desire to seek joy in every aspect of your life.

Dates: July 4th – 22nd, 2016.  Monday to Friday.

Hours: 9am to 4pm

8:30am drop off and pick up at 4:30pm acceptable/no extra charge (Yoga source will recruit student to do light chores if needed, i.e. feed the cat.)

For more information please call Theresa Gagnon or , at PH#, or click here!