Each time I step onto the mat I feel like I am home.
Thanks to the Yoga Source team of teachers and their ability to be vulnerable and share what they have learned by allowing their Dharma as teachers to let the gift flow through them.
Willing to grow, my light to yours.
Everyday we live, and every day we make choices and everyday we communicate, therefore everyday we can share our hearts with more compassion. Compassion is not easy. Putting yourself into someones, grieving or miserable shoes is not an easy task, but this is compassion.
Living today, being present and holding sacred space for the self and for the other individuals in the same space. A good practice for compassion is to notice your judgements and see if you can observe as if you are the person you are judging and what would make you miserable and or unhappy and does this change the way you feel.
May we all be willing to create the space with a positive attitude to grow into a more loving and kind person-no matter who the person you feel deserves your attention-Pick someone you least like to give space to- that is the practice-Good Luck! I am working on this everyday and Ugggggg, it’s hard.
Happy Holidays and Practice Yoga Off the Mat into the world.
Namaste T
Feeling a crunch of recession or the spending of Christmas,
but still wish to practice yoga at Yoga Source this season?
* Ask Lily and or Theresa about how you can get in to a regular yoga practice and get through the stress of your life.
*Currently we are offering a payment plan for Teachers in the Training Program Starts January 18th.
And a big SAVINGS of 256.00 off the UNLIMITED ANNUAL YOGA membership.
May you keep the peace in you life-no regrets.
Aware of the suffering caused by exploitation, social media, stealing and oppression, I am committed to cultivating loving kindness and learning ways to work for the well-being of people, animals, plants, and minerals. I will practice generoisty by sharing my time, energy, and material resources with those who are in need. I am determined not to steal and not to possess anything that should belong to others. I will respect the property of others, but I will prevent others from profiting from human suffering or the suffering of others species on Earth.
Tall order, but I am vulnerable and willing to look at the truth everyday to see how much I am not practicing this training consciously and become more conscious of the momment to momment choices I can make.
peace and respect mama t
minfulness Training
Stopping and Deep Looking
Here is a practice poem you can learn by heart. It can also be sung:
I have arrived, I am home,
In the here and in the now.
I am solid, I am free,
In the ultimate I dwell.
I have been running all my life, but now I am deciding to stop becasue I have learned that life is here. When I stop happiness starts to be possible.
There are street signs all around you to remind you. Stop!
Thich Nhat Hanh.
With respect mama t
It takes courage to grieve, to honour the pain we carry. We can grieve in tears, or in meditative silence, or in song, or in prayer.
In touching the pain of recent and long held griefs, we come face to face with our genuine human vulnerability, the helplessness and hopelessness. Those are the storm clouds of the heart.
Jack kornfeld.
I have just celebrated the end of my 44th year, August 22 nd. I awoke to a new year, the first day of my 45th year and my dreams showed me I still had some old grief. I began my day with an open heart and a willingness to see the vast possibilities which lies in this human world, because I felt blah and I wanted to at least open! I should not be surprised but I end up having a fantastical day right from the time I stumbled out of bed with my magical kids to the parking lot of Yoga Source. The most amazing thing is that my very existence is a miracle and everyone I communicate with are too.
Thanks to the peeps who shared their love for life and picked me up without knowing.
peace peace peace mama t
Today I woke up feeling calm yet I was sad. Sad for me. I have held on to so many demons for so long that perhaps they where what lead me in choices. Fear being the biggest one.
I’ve been planting the seeds of goodwill without bias, love without judgment, making these seeds grow need my continuous watering. More challenging than I thought. In the course of doing this I became acquainted with my barriers-numbness, inadequacy, skepticism, resentment, righteous indignation, pride, and all the other yuks.
As I continue to do this practice, I made friends with my fears, and my aversion. Unconditional good heart toward others is not even a possibility unless I attend to my own Demons. Everything I encounter then becomes an opportunity for practicing loving-kindness. This is Yoga.
Peace mama t
From the instant I wake up the practice begins of not causing harm to anyone-myself or others- and every day, do what I can to be helpful. If I take this instruction to heart and begin to use it, I find that it is not easy. Before I know it, someone has provoked me and iether directly or indirectly, I’ve caused harm.
Therefore, when my intention is sincere but life’s uncertainty makes me feel less capable of the going through with my initial intention ……I need help. Help in a way which can calm my thoughts and my actions. The use of some fundamental instruction on how to lighten up and turn around my well established habits and seeing them as not separate from me but a part of me that teaches me what is freeing and what is not. The Practice of meditation (quiet time) enables me to be present and practice being conscious. Help from the community’s finest care providers such as, Karen Armstrong, Jo-Ann McRogers, Piper Martin and so many more are shining the light and creating space for you to see your light again. I thank these peeps of the community for believing in life and not judging and caring enough to create the lift we all need.
We are all light and that light may seem diminished when cloaked with self-hatred and the thoughts of separation, but all can be changed with choice to realize we are all light energy. Yes, some have chosen to sever their light by whatever trauma or repeat attachment to self-hatred or addictions, their light is still there, they are just not present. Being present you will see that there is no bad or good, rather only choices.
Thanks to all who share this light enthusiasm.
Keep on connecting with your light peeps, its always there. Choice is a gift. Accept it. It’s awesome! Be in the light you know how the bad guys end up!!
Peace mama t
Troubling external events that effect us, often are seen as the nadir, the lowest point of the life cycle, from which we can only move upwards.
Perseverance, and trust in a divine order are called for when feeling that of a envy (stabbing in the back or heart) occur. At times a willingness to endure and accept that in the greater reality such difficulties and hardships may be necessary to restore unity or to ensure growth through atonement (at-one-ment) or sacrifice.
Please seek out support when needed be honest and know you are not alone, choose not to give up.
Never give up on this gift of life.
Live Fully!
Mama t
If I am not to fret or worry-Why a Yoga Studio owner, who only wishes to provide, support and help, is lost in the financial burden and questions of “do you do Hot Yoga”?! I guess I don’t know. I don’t have answers and at this point all I can suggest is my experience. I am confronted with a person afraid to see the truth and the thicker the excuses the deeper the mud and the answer less clear.
Peeps the answers are not in the how much you sweat or how much you weight or how flexible you are, but how much you are willing to enjoy this life without hurting yourself and others. Don’t bite off the hand that feeds you.
Life is an occassion Rise to it!
Love the company you keep and create the reality you want!
peace peace peace mama t
Because next thing you know this life is over!