Yoga Source’s fabulous painter and decorator, Michele Kulha, can help you Redeisgn, Paint and Decorate your space to reflect your inner OM.
Please call 416-910-8115 for a consultation.
Yoga Source’s fabulous painter and decorator, Michele Kulha, can help you Redeisgn, Paint and Decorate your space to reflect your inner OM.
Please call 416-910-8115 for a consultation.
Don’t Worry, Be Happy
A weekend of amazing workshops from October 1-3, 2010
Friday 6-8:30pm – Hip Openers: The Magical Midline
Saturday 10-12:30pm – Standing Poses and Backbends: Have more of Everything you Love
Saturday 2:30-5pm – Forward Bends: Extraordinary Presence
Sunday 10-12:30pm – Arm Balances & Inversions: The Truth sets us Free
Cost: 65+HST per class, 245+HST Full weekend
Download Poster [...]
An Ancient Way of Yoga Nidra & Guided Meditation
In Yoga Nidra practice, Yogi Amitram will guide you on a journey of Body, Mind & Soul and the different levels of consciousness – Waking, Dreaming, Deep Sleep and Transcendence – to bring you into your own blissful nature; beyond all sensory attarctions. Then [...]
In Support of: WALK IT OFF Spinal Cord Recovery and Wellness AUGUST 22!
Come join the masses doing Yoga under the morning sun. Start your Karma for the day by giving to yourself… and to a worthy cause!
Class Times:
Adult – 8:15am (Registration) 8:30-9:45am (Class)
Child/Family – 9:45am (Registration) 10-1045am (Class)
Minimum Donations:
Adult – [...]
Fully escorted tour with a registered Yoga teacher from Hot Yoga Aurora
The tour introduces you to the art of yoga, union occurring between the mind, body and spirit & developed about five thousand years ago. Also explore cultural and historical sites of Agra and Jaipur.
Tour Days: 9 Nights/10 Days
Tour Cost: 2510 (land applicable taxes included)
Departure: [...]
November 13th – 20th, 2010
Enjoy 7 blissful days at a private Eco-Retreat Centre situated on the peaceful Caribbean shore of north Colombia. Nestled in the foothills of La Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta on a remote beachfront property, facing inland provides a view of majestic snowy peaks of the tallest coastal mountain range on earth. [...]
Grand Opening Celebration!
Friday, June 11 at 7pm
227 Main Street South, Newmarket, Ontario
(One block north of Water Street)
Come celebrate all things earth friendly. Enjoy healthy organic treats and spirits. Join in our environmental auction. Enjoy some great entertainment by local musician, Amanda McFadyen!
Looking forward to having you help us officially launch
Sincerely, Karen Dawnn & David [...]
Transformational Programs from the Andean Altomisayoq Wisdom Tradition
“Come, embark on a transformational journey into the practical and esoteric lifeways of the Andean Altomisayoqs. A path noted by expansion, challenge, patience, fulfillment and spiritual comprehension beyond the entrapments of personal trauma and drama; human suffering. Join us in Stoufville, Ontario to awaken what is already yours [...]
Increase self aweareness and experience reality as it is. Learn the process of self transformation through self observation. Experience the constant change that surrounds us and observe it for what i t is. This oppertunity is offered to all interested in learning about the art of meditation as well as those wanting to strengthen their [...]
Lynda at the Blue Sky Yoga Studio is inviting Yoga Source students and guests to check out some classes and workshops in beautiful Haliburton. All the information you need can be found on her website at