
Initial intention.

Posted on July 5, 2012

From the instant I wake up the practice begins of not causing harm to anyone-myself or others- and every day, do what I can to be helpful. If I take this instruction to heart and begin to use it, I find that it is not easy. Before I know it, someone has provoked me and iether directly or indirectly, I’ve caused harm.

Therefore, when my intention is sincere but life’s uncertainty makes me feel less capable of the going through with my initial intention ……I need help. Help in a way which can calm my thoughts and my actions. The use of some fundamental instruction on how to lighten up and turn around my well established habits and seeing them as not separate from me but a part of me that teaches me what is freeing and what is not. The Practice of meditation (quiet time) enables me to be present and practice being conscious. Help from the community’s finest care providers such as, Karen Armstrong, Jo-Ann McRogers, Piper Martin and so many more are shining the light and creating space for you to see your light again. I thank these peeps of the community for believing in life and not judging and caring enough to create the lift we all need.

We are all light and that light may seem diminished when cloaked with self-hatred and the thoughts of separation, but all can be changed with choice to realize we are all light energy. Yes, some have chosen to sever their light by whatever trauma or repeat attachment to self-hatred or addictions, their light is still there, they are just not present. Being present you will see that there is no bad or good, rather only choices.

Thanks to all who share this light enthusiasm.

Keep on connecting with your light peeps, its always there. Choice is a gift. Accept it. It’s awesome! Be in the light you know how the bad guys end up!!

Peace mama t

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