Open to Pain and Pleasure.
These fabulous tools(activities)teach me how to create freedom and take everyone I can along the way!
Generosity. Giving as a path of learning to let go.
Discipline. Training in not causing harm in a way that is daring and flexible.
Patience.Training in abiding with the restlessness of our energy and letting things evolve at thier own speed. If waking up takes forever, still we go moment by moment, giving up all hope of fruition and enjoying the process.
Joyful enthusiasm. Letting go of our perfectionism and connecting with the living quality of every moment.
Meditation. Training in coming back to being right here with gentleness and precision.
Prajna. Cultivating an open, inquiring mind.
*Pema Chodron
I’m working every day in the most unpredictable moments, useing one of these activities with my children to contractors to landlords to create a sense of NOW. Hard -but I’m learning!
Life is good. I just have to choose to be a part of it!
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