
Yoga Pimp

Posted on April 25, 2012

I find myself crying and laughing in a spun echo of chaotic push and pull when it comes to being a Yoga studio owner. Careful not to step on toes or to disrupt the delicate foundation and all at the same time be a strong foundation that keeps yoga available to the persons who are curious to start thier practice. I Often ask myself, “What would I do if I close down this beautiful space?”, only because I am exhausted in working so hard behind the scenes to keep it open. I say, “Nothing, but be a yoga teacher.” Now the question is how do I continue to exist in this business world. I must admit living in this world is and could be very damaging emotionally. There are mean people who practice a type of yoga called “me, me yoga”. LOL  Perhaps thats all I’m doing.

I hope the practice will continue to be individuals creating and refining the mind and cultivating clear perception so that we connect with, and act from, the place of true Self. I can only hope and trust.

Get out more often and do yoga on the mat, you may love the company.

See you here at the Source!

Namaste from my light to yours!

mama T

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