
The Hair Project

Posted on February 12, 2009

Have you ever considered shaving your head bald???? At 56 years of age, working in a professional world, I did it …. because I could.

Shaving your head is the breeziest feeling ever. And it really simplifies life BUT the simple shaving of one’s head brings forth a myriad of feelings.

  • it feels both really normal and really weird
  • really silly and really brave
  • so important and so trivial
  • insecure and secure, knowing who I am and not having a clue who I am
  • joyous and teary
  • beautiful and not so much

I feel honored to have done this. It has humbled me. To feel what it is like to look different than the people around me and be looked at like there is something wrong. This is humbling and I will never look at someone who is different with the same eyes again.  Here is what I have learned …. so far ….

  • Life (and hair) changes fast. Don’t get hung up on the moment. Live the moment and it will surely change.
  • Escape judging of others by just seeing them for who they are regardless of how they look.
  • If you feel concern for someone, don’t beat around the bush, just as directly “Are you OK”.

Would I do it again, oh yes, in a heart beat.

Faye Blondin

One Response to “The Hair Project”

  1. Wesley Blondin
    Mar 05, 2009

    I’m proud of you mom!
    your convicition and simple perspective always inspire me.

    and guess what? i cut off my hair!

    ps check out my blog and the poster i did for an upcoming ptrbrgh event and some older animations
    lagrillou.blogspot.com !!

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